YES You Can . . .Bu i l d Hea l t hy Re l a t i onsh i p s !
1. How Ready Are U?
The cultural and social message seems to be that teens are ready
for sex. But the question that each teen must answer is, “Am I
prepared for all that it can bring to my life?”
Distribute to students the
How Ready Are U?
(pg. 1-L).
Give them a few minutes to answer the questions privately. This
is meant to be an introspective exercise and answers should not be
E. Wrap Up
Currently, there are lots of messages that may convince teens that they’re ready for sex, but
hopefully you see that there is more to consider on this issue.
I am quite certain that all of you can now answer my original question: Can we, as humans,
really compare ourselves to bees, birds, fleas and mammals that are on the Discovery Channel
when it comes to our sexual behavior?
We have learned today about the five-human dimensions that make us very different from other
mammals, especially regarding sexual relations.
I hope that today’s lesson has given you all
something to think about. Our next lesson will focus on what the brain has to do with sex.