2. The Intricacy of Humanity
Human beings are intricate and multi-faceted. Each of us has interwoven within us individual
attributes, strengths and personality, which make us the whole persons we are.
Over the years, society has drifted to the notion that we can isolate the sexual part of who we are,
and do with it as we please. Today’s media and popular culture often suggest that casual sex is just
“fun,” not likely to impact who we are as a person. A good example is seen in the change in
popular music about love. Singers used to sing about falling in love and romance, but now, song
lyrics very often focus on sexual behavior.
Have students read the quotes on the board.
Are these quotes completely accurate? Can we, as humans, really compare ourselves to bees, birds,
fleas and mammals -- that are on the Discovery Channel -- when it comes to our sexual behavior?
Have a few students share their thoughts.
Instinct is what drives animals. After all, animals don’t choose their partners because of
personality or a commitment but rather by who is available when their instinct kicks in.
B. Five-Dimensions of Human Beings
1. Five-Point Star Activity
As human beings we are multi-faceted, but that does not mean that we are always focused on
all facets all the time.
List each of the human dimensions one at a time on the board as you say them from the scripted
comment below, i.e., physical, emotional, mental, social, and spiritual/moral.
Unlike other life forms, human beings are complex individuals.
In addition to the physical dimension, or biological, we have
emotional, mental, social and spiritual/moral dimensions. We are
going to do an activity to get us thinking about the five-dimensions
in our own lives.
YES You Can . . .Bu i l d Hea l t hy Re l a t i onsh i p s !