I learned things I never knew and even though I’m not a virgin, it made me feel like I can make smarter choices now.
I have learned that waiting to have sex is a good idea because it keeps me focused on my future.
My favorite activity was when we had to tell the difference between real love and counterfeit love. I learned to recognize the difference between them.
I learned the difference between real and counterfeit love. All love is not true love. I’m going to wait for true love.
I learned the qualities of a good friend and to make good decisions when choosing my friends.
My favorite activity was where we had to go around the room and pick a poker chip out of the bag. I learned how fast STDs spread and how serious it is and how it can affect your whole future.
Now I know what to say. Before I never could stand up for myself. Thank you.
Teens today don’t know this stuff. I’m glad I know it now.
I learned that sex and love are not the same thing.
The classes taught me that I need to work on my character because there is a lot I can do to keep myself from being tempted.
I liked the fact that they used easy examples to explain the hardest message that teens never really realize until it’s too late.
I’ll remember how much these classes showed us. We were taught a lot, especially me. At times I wanted to do it but your words helped me. I am saving it now.
I think this program helped me because I couldn’t wait to have sex and when I found out about all the STDs, I put sex on hold.
I will remember the techniques that were given to us so that we can stand by our decisions.
I learned that I’m worth waiting for!
The Sammy lesson taught me to make good decisions now and how just one bad decision could mess up my future.
The most valuable thing I learned was that condoms don’t protect 100%. I thought they kept you safe, but instead they don’t totally protect you from all STDs.
The lesson on the STDs and STIs gave me a better understanding of the risks of getting an STD and how I can have it for the rest of my life. I also learned that when you’re sexually active it’s like you’re exposed to all the people you partner had sex with. Yuck!
I learned to have respect for myself and others and to have the courage to be who you are!
The most valuable thing for me was the difference between love and sex. Now I know if a guy wants me just for sex, or if he’s actually committed to me. Everything I’ve learned will help me make better choices and have a brighter future.
The friendship lesson helped me to see that some of my friends are a not good influence on me. I know what qualities I’m looking for in my friends now.
My favorite lesson was the friendship lesson. I realized when I rated my friend how great a friend she is to me. When I rated myself, I realized I had a few things to work on. I like that my friends help me make good choices.
The activity I learned the most from was the puzzles that were supposed to represent our future. I learned that I must have a clear vision for my future, have all the pieces, and know where I’m going. Also, if you make bad choices when I’m young it can harm me later in the future.
I learned about making good choices and what could happen if I start using drugs, alcohol, and becoming sexually active. I’m going to wait!
How each time you are sexually active you put yourself at risk of getting an STD. My favorite activity was the rolling of the dice.
I learned that it will be good for me if I don’t have sex now as a teen.
My teacher taught us about the many different types of STDs that can occur through being sexual active and how it can affect my future.